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Thank You Mme. Adkins

Kai Fujimoto

Dear Madame Adkins,

Thank you for the amazing past two years of French. I have learned so much about not only the French language, but also French culture. Your class has taught me to not to take myself so seriously and stop being afraid to participate. I always thought that the stories we used to learn were silly, but they really did help me remember and learn vocabulary in the context of real sentences. The events around the year like Mardi Gras and The World Cup actually felt special with the games and activities we did. This year, I really enjoyed the advent calendar project, and it was really cool to see everyone else's amazing creations. Unfortunately I did not have space in my schedule for next year as I plan to take five AP classes and participate in yearbook. It's a shame that this year got cut short in the way it did. I hope you have a great summer and I wish you all the best in the future.


Kai Fujimoto

This is some of my work from my digital photography class this year.



© 2020 Kai Fujimoto

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